American Capital Agency Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC)’s Senior VP Christopher Kuehl Sold 8,124 Shares

Christopher Kuehl Insider Sell

A calculated and judicious transaction was made by the Senior VP of American Capital Agency Corp, Mr. Christopher Kuehl, 2 days ago, when he unloaded a substantial number of company shares - 8,124, amounting to $146,557 US Dollars, which is based on a market stock price of $18.0 for each share. In the last month, he also sold 7,050 shares worth total $126,900 USD. And, It’s sure Christopher’s transaction isn’t going to remain hidden as he today is having 421,640 shares - ( 0.13% of American Capital Agency Corp’s Market Cap ). The date of trade was March 08, 2016, and it was made public in a SEC-filed filing, which you can find here.

Out of 15 analysts covering American Capital Agency Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC), 8 rate it “Buy”, 4 “Sell”, while 6 “Hold”. This means 44% are positive. $23 is the highest target while $15 is the lowest. The $19.58 average target is 13.80% above today’s ($18.26) stock price. American Capital Agency Corp. was the topic in 13 analyst reports since July 30, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Morgan Stanley downgraded the stock on December 16 to “Underweight” rating. Wunderlich downgraded the shares of AGNC in a report on October 27 to “Hold” rating. Finally, Nomura upgraded the stock to “Buy” rating in an August 12 report.

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.35 in 2015 Q3. Its up 0.44, from 0.91 in 2015Q2. The ratio increased, as 22 funds sold all American Capital Agency Corp. shares owned while 105 reduced positions. 56 funds bought stakes while 115 increased positions. They now own 213.41 million shares or 6.07% more from 201.19 million shares in 2015Q2.

Talkot Capital Llc holds 14.56% of its portfolio in American Capital Agency Corp. for 974,877 shares. Feinberg Stephen owns 7.47 million shares or 11.59% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co has 10.5% invested in the company for 627,000 shares. The California-based Philadelphia Financial Management Of San Francisco Llc has invested 4.03% in the stock. Whitebox Advisors Llc, a Minnesota-based fund reported 3.90 million shares.

The stock decreased 0.44% or $0.08 during the last trading session, hitting $18.26. American Capital Agency Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) has declined 5.58% since August 3, 2015 and is downtrending. It has outperformed by 0.08% the S&P500.

American Capital Agency Corp. operates as a real estate investment trust in the United States. The company has a market cap of $6.15 billion. The Company’s income comes primarily from its investments in agency mortgage-backed securities (agency MBS). It has 32.59 P/E ratio. The Company’s investments consist of residential mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) guaranteed by a government-sponsored enterprise, such as the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), or by a United States Government agency, such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae).

According to Zacks Investment Research, “AMER CAPITAL AGENCY CORP. is a newly-organized Delaware corporation formed to invest exclusively in single-family residential mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations for which the principal and interest payments are guaranteed by a U.S. Government agency or a U.S. Government-sponsored entity. The Company will be externally managed and advised by American Capital Agency Management, LLC, a subsidiary of a wholly-owned portfolio company of American Capital. The Company will elect to be taxed, and intends to qualify, as a real estate investment trust for federal income tax purposes.”

Analysts await American Capital Agency Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) to reports earnings on April, 25. They expect $0.58 earnings per share, down 17.14% or $0.12 from last year’s $0.7 per share. AGNC’s profit will be $195.35M for 7.87 P/E if the $0.58 EPS becomes reality. After $0.54 actual earnings per share reported by American Capital Agency Corp. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 7.41% EPS growth.

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