A Reversal for Castlight Health Inc Is Not Near. The Stock Declines Again

The stock of Castlight Health Inc (NYSE:CSLT) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 5.32% or $0.19 during the last trading session, hitting $3.38. About 284,207 shares traded hands or 13.99% up from the average. Castlight Health Inc (NYSE:CSLT) has declined 32.94% since September 3, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 37.59% the S&P500. The move comes after 6 months negative chart setup for the $338.08M company. It was reported on Apr, 12 by Barchart.com. We have $2.94 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:CSLT worth $43.95M less.

Analysts await Castlight Health Inc (NYSE:CSLT) to reports earnings on May, 4. They expect $-0.20 earnings per share, up 4.76% or $0.01 from last year’s $-0.21 per share. After $-0.21 actual earnings per share reported by Castlight Health Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -4.76% EPS growth.

Out of 9 analysts covering Castlight Health (NYSE:CSLT), 0 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. This means NaN are positive. Castlight Health was the topic in 11 analyst reports since October 9, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “Castlight Health, Inc. operates as a provider of cloud-based software. Its enables enterprises to gain control over their rapidly escalating health care costs. The Company’s Enterprise Healthcare Cloud allows its customers to conquer the complexity of the existing health care system by providing personalized, actionable information to their employees, implementing technology-enabled benefit designs and integrating disparate systems and applications. Castlight Health, Inc. is headquartered in San Francisco, California.”

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.35 in Q3 2015. Its down 1.17, from 2.52 in 2015Q2. The ratio fall, as 14 funds sold all Castlight Health Inc shares owned while 23 reduced positions. 10 funds bought stakes while 40 increased positions. They now own 46.94 million shares or 13.65% more from 41.30 million shares in 2015Q2.

Gagnon Advisors Llc holds 2.51% of its portfolio in Castlight Health Inc for 733,745 shares. Gagnon Securities Llc owns 930,173 shares or 1.91% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Endurant Capital Management Lp has 1.01% invested in the company for 718,208 shares. The New York-based Allen Operations Llc has invested 0.79% in the stock. Wellcome Trust Ltd (The) As Trustee Of The Wellcome Trust, a United Kingdom-based fund reported 6.57 million shares.

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